After the “confrontation” packaging appeared on the packaging Saakashvili, Burning tie, I decided that you can put an end to the series. All the creative potential went to create the cover, and this picture was the only thing for which they could praise the project (unless, of course, Pravalba Ura-patriots could be any significant). So I did not really believe that “Confrontation. 3D. Reboot” will turn out to be a really standing strategy. In fact, in 2010, not the “revolutionary third dimension” whether the developers decided to surprise us?
War. The war never changes
By the way, the plots of “coercion to the world” and “Reloading” A little similar. And there and there we are fighting with the United States, and we are fighting near Russia, in the south (in this case, in Tajikistan). In general, the topic is current today.
The developers are very proud of this. Like, we did not make a simple project, but with a subtext: an ideologically true struggle against our potential enemy and the answer to Western games, where Russians act as invaders in hats-earns.
In part, I understand this position, but if American propaganda from Western screenwriters and others Volumes of Clans It is more likely to amuse me (well, it’s hard to believe that in our army all the soldiers have breakfast with vodka, and shoot from multi-charged balalaikas), then when our compatriots take up patriotic slogans, then something clicks in my head and want to get angry. Firstly, in Russia they do it terribly clumsy. Secondly, the seventy-year history of our state seems to hint.
And therefore from “Reloading” He carries a shower. But not really. Let’s say, unlike “coercion to the world”, here the process is more important than the background. And here you can even read the briefings and notes of the military normally, and during the passage I do not want to close my eyes with your palm and grumble at the famous phrase about shame.
Change of power
That’s why I decided to immediately put all the points over the i in terms of the plot: many users would hardly have to spend time on a bang-patriotic nonsense. And who would like is obviously not our audience. And kohl “Reboot” does not deserve the execution and instant shipping to the garbage tank, you can relax and talk about the main.
So, the name on the box hints that the game has changed. “Confrontation” rebooted and turned into. Warfare is a fairly well -known strategy for similar topics from the same developers. So if you are familiar with her, you will quickly find many similar features. From appearance to tactics of battle. The developers themselves do not deny this and say that they were simply asked to release the same Warfare, only with the opportunity to fight for the Russians So they heeded the requests and decided to revive the old series, and not to make an addition to the not very well -sold RTS.
However, lovers of the original “Confrontations” hardly from this is strong. The game, although it has changed quite strongly, but certainly did not become worse. The third dimension was exclusively beneficial to her. Yes, and it is impossible in our time to stay in 2D, only if it is not a lawsuit for a “retro-old” and not projects like an “eador”.
True, if you have not encountered either Warfare or with “Confrontation”, then big problems may arise. And it is possible that “Reloading” You deleted before the appearance of this review. And immediately after the first mission.
Primary horror
Imagine: you run “Reloading”, Look at the crooked main menu with an ugly tank and even more ugly smoke from it, then spit from an enchantingly wretched screech (you saw World in Conflict, Dawn of War, Company of Heroes), and then you get into battle with such graphics that already graphics.Five years old as outdated. She is not nightmare and not ugly, it’s just ashamed to make strategies on such a engine in our time. And there is no justification for the developers that they decided to use it. We spend money on games. And we pay equally for both the most beautiful world in conflict, and for such a terrible “Reloading”.
I must admit, if it were not for the need to write a review, I myself would not play further. A clearly cheap strategy could hardly please. But the task is given, the deadlines are set, and therefore it is necessary to run the mission and move forward.
But after half an hour it became clear: in “Confrontation” there is something that has not been anywhere else. There are a lot of different types of units that are almost completely written off from real -existing. Take snipers. Only two fighters in the group – gunner and shooter. During the attack, they throw smoke, hide behind it, then find a convenient position and begin to carefully fasten the soldiers of the enemies. Airborne Forces go a crowd of more, and they already have the most diverse weapon. One runs with a light machine gun, the second shoots from the rocket launcher, the third uses the usual “kalash”. Moreover, the paratroopers become more efficiently more efficient if they are covered by an armored personnel carrier, the technique suppresses the enemy with fire and covers the infantry.
There are also machine -gun detachments that do not allow the enemy soldiers to come closer;and mortar calculations that make an attack on your positions very laborious;and scouts who quickly eliminate the enemy that has settled in the city, but at the same time are very vulnerable in an open collision;and “air goals” (as they call themselves) that knock down aircraft aviation. Well, plus here we have a complete set of equipment: tanks, combat and landing helicopters, armored personnel carriers, supply trucks, gas trucks – from peaceful to the most destructive.
The game is well thought out, even though you believe in this at first glance and difficult. The mass of all sorts of parameters is taken into account here. We will have to refuel transport in order to get to the right point, bring the soldiers weapons, because grenades and missiles quickly end. It is necessary to arrange chimney and plant infantry from helicopters into the rear of the enemy. Frankly, much of “Reloading” There was no sight even in a similar Company of Heroes genre, what can we say about World in Conflict, where the attention to the little things was clearly not one of the benefactors of the game.
And due to the fact that everything is in “Reloading” It occurs literally in our time, you feel a special realism, which is not in any other strategy. Take even the series “Second World”, where almost every bullet moves as it would fly in real life. Moreover, “real “Confrontation” more, because before us is about the battles that can be seen in the news and in the chronicle. Effect as from Arma 2, where everything resembles the world that is currently existing.
Local wars of our century
However, compare the “second world” and “Confrontation” In terms of gameplay, one cannot. The projects are completely different. “Reboot” Not so global, more precisely, it is not global at all and resembles Company of Heroes, where small detachments give us, and we with their help solve strategic problems on cozy small maps.
For example, we are asked to protect the village (three or four houses, two roads and trenches), and after we repelled the attack, they order ourselves to rush into battle. Or they demand to take a height with four infantry detachments and two armored personnel carriers. Sometimes the scale increases, we are allowed to command tanks and helicopters. But the amount of technology is always few. Five to six combat vehicles on average.
But if there were more soldiers, it would be almost impossible to play, because good microcontrol is very important here. Just don’t imagine Starcraft now, everything is different there. Here, for example, we are ordered without noise and dust, quickly and deadly clean up a tiny settlement, where the enemy is located. We have a sniper with a gunner, three reconnaissance detachments (as appropriate – with a bat icon) and two armored personnel carriers. There is no information about how many enemies, how they settled and other details.
What to do? First, let the sniper group go forward. They rise above the settlement, lie down on a small slide and give an overview of the eastern part of the enemy base. Four enemy enemies are noticed there, who are on the tower and, apparently, are waiting for our attack. We order the arrow to remove the enemies, and in the meantime, two armored personnel carriers and soldiers slowly come closer. But just go ahead – crazy. The enemy can also have snipers, rocket launchers hidden in the ambush, a tank is an extra haste, and now our entire group is already broken and dead lies on the approaches to the settlement.
Therefore, both armored personnel carriers shoot twice with smoke bombs, the white fog closes the approaches to the city, and the infantry begins to break through. The soldiers throw grenades, someone is fading from a mortar, and soon the first fighters who burst into the settlement open visibility for technology and she begins to press enemies to the ground from a machine gun. Now scouts quickly neutralize everyone who wants to destroy armored personnel carriers, then hide in buildings. Then the slow squeezing of the enemy from the territory begins.
It seems that it is not such a difficult operation, but how neatly and carefully you need to act. For if you climb into the wolver, they will surely score. Where it is seen so that three detachments in the open stormed fortified enemy are stormed? If you hurry and do not throw smoke, then the snipers will kill 5-6 soldiers and there may not be enough firepower. If you put the equipment forward, then a loner-raketer can be knocked out, which the crew will not notice. If. However, we will not lose all possible cases. You yourself will have plenty of them. But the main thing is that here you can really invent a lot and it is very interesting to put the enemy on the shoulder blades.
It’s bad, however, the fact that the cards are not very beautiful, and in one territory we have to bother for five hours. Too many different tasks in the same mission.
As usual, a small final word. “Reboot” – Outwardly, the game is far from today. And not even the day before yesterday. She looks bad, old. However, if you do not disdain Oldskul and are ready to score on a weak graphics, then you have a chance to play a pretty good, moderately complex and diverse strategy. Yes, she is not a competitor to all Company of Heroes, World in Conflict and even “in the rear of the enemy” (she is also difficult to compete with Blitzkrieg), but she has many advantages that will allow you to break your head for about a week andto win Russian soldiers.
Pros: realism;high complexity;abundance of tactics;An interesting set of troops and their wonderful voice acting.
Cons: bad graphics;Scatience of cards;The “cheap” of the project in almost everything.